Subcontractor Tips and Tricks for CCA Contract Disputes

On , In Construction Law

If you are a subcontractor and a problem arises during a project, it is frequently in your best interest to address the problem immediately. If you wait too long, you may lose your right to raise a dispute against the general contractor and will likely face additional hurdles and costs to resolve the contract dispute.…

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Liens and Remote Projects

On , In Construction Law

We live in a country with vast amounts of open space, which in turn leaves large tracts of unregistered lands. Large projects such as hydroelectric dams and sub-stations are often situated on these lands, obtaining rights to use the land short of ownership. Under the provisions of the Builders Lien Act, SBC 1997, ch. 45…

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Protecting Against Tenant Created Builder’s Liens

On , In Construction Law

Kelowna’s reputation as a hot bed of entrepreneurialism is well earned and as a result, many people invest either in commercial real estate or in rental residential units. An owner of land, however, faces risk when their tenant engages in work within the premises.  If a contractor or sub-contractor goes unpaid, they may lien the…

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Impact of COVID-19 on Construction Projects?

On , In Construction Law

In light of the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on all industries throughout the world, this article will discuss how a force majeure clause could impact a construction project. Although outside of the standard form construction contracts (i.e. CCDC contracts) each contract will likely have its own specific language relating to force majeure events.…

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Dealing With a Builder’s Lien

On , In Construction Law

A builder’s lien is a legal interest that can be registered on title to a property as security for an alleged debt for work or materials in relation to an improvement. Having a lien placed on the title to your property can come as a shock and can cause issues for the owner of the…

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Builders Lien Holdbacks

On , In Construction Law

The Builders Lien Holdback is a point of confusion amongst parties involved in all types of construction projects. The holdback is in place to limit the liability of parties in the payment chain of a project while setting aside some funds for unpaid parties lower on the chain. Many believe that a holdback is not…

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Handling Changes During Construction

On , In Construction Law

Changes to the scope of work are one of the most disputed areas in construction projects. It’s often an issue because changes usually increase costs and the parties dispute over who should cover the costs. This type of conflict can stem from many factors. A common cause is a lack of clarity or understanding of…

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What is the Difference Between Fixed Price Contracts & Cost-Plus?

On , In Construction Law

When entering into an agreement in relation to a construction project there are a large number of items that one must consider. One of the most important considerations is the form of the agreement. There are basically two main types of construction contract: fixed price; and cost-plus. When choosing which type of agreement one would…

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Is Mediation Right For Your Construction Dispute?

On , In Mediation & Arbitration

Spring is here and it’s that time of year when home owners want to change things around the house and consider getting some renovations carried out. A contractor is located, some plans are drawn up and things get started; unfortunately, sometimes what starts out as a positive project turns into a potential nightmare for both…

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