Make-A-Will Week – It’s a Great Time to Stop Procrastinating!

April 10, 2019

Estate planning is rarely on the top of anyone’s to-do list.  People avoid it for many reasons:  they are too busy, they don’t want to think about death, they don’t understand why they need to do it, or they think it doesn’t apply to them.  Sound familiar? April 7 to 13, 2019 is Make-a-Will-Week in…

Intestate & the Implications of Dying Without a Will

July 17, 2018

I recently received a letter from a reader asking what the consequences are of dying without a will? Surprising, just 55 percent of British Columbians have a signed, legally valid and up-to-date will. BC’s Wills, Estates and Succession Act (“WESA”) dictates how your estate will be divided if you die without a will. As defined…

Making a Real Impact With Charitable Donations

June 5, 2018

Canadians love to give to charity.  A 2010 Statistics Canada report suggests that 84% of Canadians over 15 years donated to charitable and nonprofit organizations with average charitable donations of around $446 per year (a total of $10.6 billion a year). Whether to support an organization that has touched their life in a meaningful way, a school or…

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Estate Administration?

The Estates Administration Department offers the following areas of legal services:

  1. Estate Administration – We help executors administer an estate after a loved one has died; and
  2. Estate Litigation – We assist with conflicts relating to estates.

Estate Administration Services

When someone dies, a court-ordered ‘Grant of Probate’ is often required in order for an executor to settle a deceased person’s final debts and to pass assets on to the beneficiaries of an estate.

We assist executors with obtaining a Grant of Probate and then administering the estate of their loved one quickly and cost-effectively. Our services include:

  • Complete a Wills search;
  • Gather information about the estate and beneficiaries;
  • Determine the value of assets and debts of the deceased;
  • Give notice to all parties entitled to notice of the grant application under the Rules of Court;
  • Assist when someone dies without a Will (“intestate“);
  • Prepare all forms to apply for a Grant of Probate (or Administration if intestate);
  • Transfer estate assets to the executor;
  • Assist with executor’s accounting to beneficiaries;
  • Prepare indemnities and releases from beneficiaries;
  • Distribute assets to beneficiaries;
  • Assist with application for Clearance Certificate; and
  • Assist with any conflict during this process and refer to in-house estate litigation services where required.

Please see our Wills & Estates Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.



*we respect your privacy


300-1465 Ellis Street
Kelowna, BC Canada
V1Y 2A3

T. 250.762.5434
F. 250.762.5450
E. [email protected]