WHAT IS Construction Law?
When dealing with a construction or development dispute, clients require timely advice that balances legal rights and responsibilities with the economics of the construction industry. Prolonged delays typically do not serve any of the parties and effective advice provided before a problem escalates is essential.
At Pihl Law Corporation, our team of litigators has experience with a wide assortment of construction disputes at all levels of dispute resolution – court, mandatory negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.
We provide advice on breach of contact, construction and and design deficiencies, cost over-runs and delay, and productivity claims. We also have extensive experience helping clients with builder’s liens and the Builders Lien Act, including applications to dismiss and enforce lien rights. We also work with clients to proactively manage construction and litigation risk.
Our clients include owners, developers, financial institutions, contractors, subcontractors, and construction professionals.
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