Boating Accidents and What You May Not Know

On , In Personal Injury

It’s that time of year when ‘fun in the sun’ in the Okanagan gives rise to a host of individual and family activities in or on the lake.  Since I moved to Kelowna with my family 47 years ago, there’s been a large increase in our population. With this, comes an increase in the number…

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What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 10 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. Part 10 focuses on types of compensation for your injuries after a motor vehicle accident. I’ve just been in a motor vehicle accident, what…

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What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 9 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. Part 9 focuses on the types of compensation you can expect to receive after a motor vehicle accident. I’ve just been in a motor…

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What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 8 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. Part 8 focuses on the litigation process. I’ve just been in a motor vehicle accident, what should I do? Getting Treatment I can’t work…

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You’re Fired! Now What?

On , In Employment Law

There are some people out there that can proudly boast “I have never been fired.” Unfortunately for many people this is not the case. Termination of employment is a great cause of stress in many peoples’ lives. The fear of being terminated often weighs in the back of employees’ minds. We spend the majority of…

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Mental Injury Claim vs. Physical Injury Claim

On , In Personal Injury

Most people are familiar with the concept of making a claim for compensation for physical injuries suffered in a motor vehicle accident. However, most people will not have experience with a mental injury claim. There is more than one classification of physical injuries. For example “soft tissue” injuries where there are no broken bones; orthopaedic…

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What is Human Capital Really Worth?

On , In Personal Injury

If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident as the result of or another’s wrongdoing (usually the operator of the vehicle in which you are a passenger, or the operator of another vehicle) one of the claims you could be entitled to make is compensation for loss of income. Depending on the severity of…

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Injury compensation – there’s more to it than you might think

On , In Personal Injury

Every year in B.C. approximately 45,000 people make a claim with I.C.B.C. for loss or injuries resulting from a motor vehicle accident. Unfortunately, many people who visit an I.C.B.C. claims centre to seek injury compensation for their loss do not fully understand the law. They find the claims process a source of both confusion and…

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