I’ve Agreed to Act as an Executor. What do I Need to Know?

On , In Estate Administration

An executor is the person named in a Will to carry out the directions contained in the Will. The executor is responsible for settling the person’s affairs after death and is accountable to the beneficiaries and those entitled to benefit from an estate. If you are asked by a will maker to act as an…

Correcting a Will in Court

On , In Estate Administration

In recent months lawyers throughout BC have been learning new wills and estates laws, which came into force on March 31, 2014. The Trial Lawyers Association of BC recently held a program to address these significant changes and the uncertainty arising from them. What do you need to know about correcting a will in court?…

Haunted by Lawsuits

On , In Estate Administration

I think it would surprise some people to realize how often lawsuits are started or continued by or against someone who has passed away. When we die, our property, assets, legal obligations and contracts continue on and are assumed by our estate. Our estate is managed by the person appointed as our personal representative or […]

Buried, Burned or Frozen – What’s Your Preference?

On , In Estate Administration

Many of us do not dwell very long on the topic of how we wish our remains to be dealt with after we pass away. When I finally turned my mind to this question, I was fascinated with the many different beliefs, positions and options available. One surprising fact that I came across is that here […]

What exactly does an “executor” do?

On , In Estate Administration

When someone close to us passes away, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the loss and by all the details of managing their affairs. Some issues that demand attention right away include funeral arrangements, contacting family and locating the Will. Locating the Will is important as it may contain funeral wishes and it appoints […]