You’re Fired! Now What?

On , In Employment Law

There are some people out there that can proudly boast “I have never been fired.” Unfortunately for many people this is not the case. Termination of employment is a great cause of stress in many peoples’ lives. The fear of being terminated often weighs in the back of employees’ minds. We spend the majority of…

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Constructive Dismissal

On , In Employment Law

One of the most common inquiries I receive in regards to my employment law practice is questions concerning the issue of constructive dismissal. It is a principle often misunderstood by both employers and employees alike. In practical terms, constructive dismissal describes a situation where the employer has not directly fired the employee, but rather, has…

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Severance Packages (in non-union jobs)

On , In Employment Law

I am frequently retained to review severance packages that have been handed to someone who has just been fired.  Typically the package will contain a covering letter with an offer, details about any outstanding entitlement to benefits such as life insurance or pensions, a release, a recommendation to get independent legal advice, and a deadline […]

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Lifting the Covers on Infidelity in the Workplace

On , In Employment Law

The recent events surrounding General Petraeus and his female biographer-turned-mistress have once again ignited hot debate regarding workplace infidelity and the infelicitous actions that workplace relationships sometimes spawn. Even though adultery is not an offence under criminal law it can still carry legal ramifications. The United States military is one such example where infidelity is […]

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Can you be fired for being videoed at a riot?

On , In Employment Law

Given the massive public outcry following the recent Vancouver Stanley Cup riot, many employers are feeling pressure to deal with employees who were caught in photos or videoed at the riot. The question becomes this: if a “misbehaving” employee was seen participating in the riot – or even worse, possibly committing an illegal offence –…

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