What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 12 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. Part 12 focuses on what happens if we have to go to trial. I’ve just been in a motor vehicle accident, what should I…

What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 11 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. Part 11 focuses on the case settlement process. I’ve just been in a motor vehicle accident, what should I do? Getting Treatment I can’t…

What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 5 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. Part 5 focuses on when and why you should consult a lawyer after you have been in an accident. I’ve just been in…

What is Human Capital Really Worth?

On , In Personal Injury

If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident as the result of or another’s wrongdoing (usually the operator of the vehicle in which you are a passenger, or the operator of another vehicle) one of the claims you could be entitled to make is compensation for loss of income. Depending on the severity of…

Be a Problem Solver: The Evolution of Judicial Settlement

On , In Mediation & Arbitration

The practice of law today is very different. It’s different for us lawyers, and also for our clients. Over the years we have seen big changes in how judicial settlement proceeds. Once upon a time, the framework that exists today to encourage settlement did not exist. In today’s world, clients expect their lawyers to be…

Know your Worth, before you Settle your ICBC Claim

On , In Personal Injury

When you are in a car accident and you are in the midst of what you want to accomplish in life, will you still be able to pursue your dream despite your injury? Will your ability to earn an income be affected by the injury? These are issues that you need to seriously consider with…

Why Do Personal Injury Cases Settle?

On , In Personal Injury

Most cases settle before they ever get to trial and there are good reasons why. This article will discuss some of the reasons why many personal injury cases settle in B.C. The foremost reason is certainty.   If you are a plaintiff and settle, you know exactly how much money you will receive. If you are…

The 12 Days After Your Motor Vehicle Accident

On , In Personal Injury

In the spirit of  The 12 Days of Christmas, I decided to write The 12 Days After Your Accident to provide a guide for what you need to know after your accident. The 12 days are used metaphorically and the timing, order and steps after your accident may differ. On the 1st day, do you…

When To Consider Mediation?

On , In Mediation & Arbitration

Many things can happen along the way to a trial.  Often a settlement is one of them.  As a trial lawyer I recognize that having your day in court comes at a very high price.  Lawyers’ fees are only part of that price.  There is delay – civil cases take years to get to trial.…