Boating Accidents and What You May Not Know

On , In Personal Injury

It’s that time of year when ‘fun in the sun’ in the Okanagan gives rise to a host of individual and family activities in or on the lake.  Since I moved to Kelowna with my family 47 years ago, there’s been a large increase in our population. With this, comes an increase in the number…

Making a Real Impact With Charitable Donations

On , In Estate Administration

Canadians love to give to charity.  A 2010 Statistics Canada report suggests that 84% of Canadians over 15 years donated to charitable and nonprofit organizations with average charitable donations of around $446 per year (a total of $10.6 billion a year). Whether to support an organization that has touched their life in a meaningful way, a school or…

4 Good Reasons To Review Your Estate Plan

On , In Estate Administration

When did you last review your estate plan? Every adult should review their estate planning documents on a regular basis. The 3 essential components of an estate plan include Wills, Power of Attorney, and Representation Agreement. The nature of the assets comprising your estate will change over time Federal and provincial laws which will affect your…

Construction Agreements Need Modernizing Too

On , In Construction Law

Changes in technology, construction practices and building codes are the primary focus of modernization within the construction industry. However, companies should also take the time to periodically review their construction agreements to ensure the agreements: (a) are up to date on changes in the law; (b) reflect how the company expects a job to proceed;…

Helping Those Living with Loss

On , In Estate Administration

Practical advice on how to really help those living with loss. As an Estate lawyer, I assist individuals and families experiencing grief every day, but it wasn’t until this summer, when I lost my own mother, that I experienced grief deeply and personally, which afforded me a new perspective on grief.  Shortly after my loss,…

Autonomous Vehicles: Will Motor Vehicle Accidents Become History?

On , In Personal Injury

Pihl Law Corporation has worked for people injured in motor vehicle accidents for a long time.  Over the years we have gained a large volume of expertise helping people obtain the proper compensation against the at fault drivers.  Many of the cases we handle are tragic for the people involved, with people sustaining life changing…

Common Estate Planning Myths

On , In Estate Administration

Almost all of my clients share the same goals eliminating uncertainties over the administration of their estate and the maximization of the value of their estate. Unfortunately, many of them also share myths and misconceptions around estate planning.  Here are some of the most prevalent estate planning myths and misconceptions and the facts behind them:…

Tips for Estate Planning in Blended Families

On , In Estate Administration

The number of blended families in Canada grows every year as the divorce rate and the lifespan increases. This trend means that these couples must manage the legal and financial challenges inherent in a blended family, which are particularly challenging when there are children from a previous relationship.  Couples with blended families must balance between…

A Child’s Bad Behaviour: What Parents Need to Know

On , In Personal Injury

Children are bound to misbehave and act out. Even the best parents in the world can have a child that travels through this world like a hurricane. Can children be held liable for their own bad behaviour? Could you be held liable for your child’s misdeeds? There is no fixed minimum age of negligence. However,…

Starting a Business: Some Key Considerations

On , In Business Law

Small businesses make up a large portion of Kelowna’s business market, and that trend doesn’t seem to be stopping. If you are considering starting a business or expanding your existing business, here are a few details to consider and discuss with your lawyer and accountant. Taking into account the unique circumstances of your business, it…