A Child’s Bad Behaviour: What Parents Need to Know

On , In Personal Injury

Children are bound to misbehave and act out. Even the best parents in the world can have a child that travels through this world like a hurricane. Can children be held liable for their own bad behaviour? Could you be held liable for your child’s misdeeds? There is no fixed minimum age of negligence. However,…

Bike Safety Information For Parents and Guardians

On , In Personal Injury

Many parents gave a huge sigh of relief as children headed back to school.  No more giving bored kids suggestions as to how to occupy their time, or finding caregivers for the kids.  Lots more juggling of schedules, and figuring out how to get the kids to and from school.  One healthy option is to…

Cyberbullying – Where is the law in BC?

On , In Personal Injury

Cyberbullying has been in the news recently due to several heart-breaking suicides of young women who were the victims of harassment and bullying on the Internet. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter expose vulnerable people to communications from others who, perhaps emboldened by the lack of face to face contact or by quasi-anonymity, say…