Common Mediation Myths Debunked

On , In Mediation & Arbitration

Mediation is not new. In fact, its roots are believe to go back thousands of years to ancient Mesopotamia. Yet there is still some resistance to it in certain spheres of the legal profession, and amongst the parties to a dispute. Some of this resistance comes from common beliefs that it is not appropriate in…

Is Mediation Right For Your Construction Dispute?

On , In Mediation & Arbitration

Spring is here and it’s that time of year when home owners want to change things around the house and consider getting some renovations carried out. A contractor is located, some plans are drawn up and things get started; unfortunately, sometimes what starts out as a positive project turns into a potential nightmare for both…

Resolving Family Disputes Through Mediation

On , In Family Law

There have been many articles written about the benefits of resolving disputes through mediation rather than litigation.  Despite this, there is still a great deal of confusion about what a mediation looks like and whether it will assist parties to resolve their dispute.  In family law disputes, there is often also mistrust between parties that…

When To Consider Mediation?

On , In Mediation & Arbitration

Many things can happen along the way to a trial.  Often a settlement is one of them.  As a trial lawyer I recognize that having your day in court comes at a very high price.  Lawyers’ fees are only part of that price.  There is delay – civil cases take years to get to trial.…

Love thy Noisy Neighbour?

On , In Mediation & Arbitration

It’s a late Sunday night. Everyone has retired for the night in preparation for another long work week. Well, almost everyone. Your downstairs noisy neighbour has decided to have a Sunday night dance party in his living room. The sound of the bass reverberates through the walls and right into your bedroom. It’s a party […]