What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 7 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

 In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. Part 7 focuses on what to expect when working with a lawyer on your ICBC injury claim. I’ve just been in a motor vehicle…

4 Good Reasons To Review Your Estate Plan

On , In Estate Administration

When did you last review your estate plan? Every adult should review their estate planning documents on a regular basis. The 3 essential components of an estate plan include Wills, Power of Attorney, and Representation Agreement. The nature of the assets comprising your estate will change over time Federal and provincial laws which will affect your…

3 Essential Components of an Estate Plan

On , In Estate Administration

Modern estate planning is much more than just a Will and encompasses three key components – Powers of Attorney, Representation (Health) Agreements, and Wills. Every adult needs a Will. Why? A Will is the best way to ensure that the people, charities and organizations a Will-maker cherishes most receive the benefit of an estate. A…

What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 6 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. Part 6 focuses on what to expect when meeting with a lawyer for the first time. I’ve just been in a motor vehicle…

What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 5 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. Part 5 focuses on when and why you should consult a lawyer after you have been in an accident. I’ve just been in…

What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 4 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. Part 4 focuses on the medical benefits you are entitled to after an accident. I’ve just been in a motor vehicle accident, what should…

What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 3 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. Part 3 focuses on disability benefits you may be entitled to after an accident. I’ve just been in a motor vehicle accident, what…

What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 2 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. Part 2 focuses getting treatment after you have been in an accident. I’ve just been in a motor vehicle accident, what should I…

What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 1 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. I’ve just been in a motor vehicle accident, what should I do? (This article) Getting Treatment I can’t work after my accident, what benefits…

You’re Fired! Now What?

On , In Employment Law

There are some people out there that can proudly boast “I have never been fired.” Unfortunately for many people this is not the case. Termination of employment is a great cause of stress in many peoples’ lives. The fear of being terminated often weighs in the back of employees’ minds. We spend the majority of…