4 Good Reasons To Review Your Estate Plan

On , In Estate Administration

When did you last review your estate plan? Every adult should review their estate planning documents on a regular basis. The 3 essential components of an estate plan include Wills, Power of Attorney, and Representation Agreement. The nature of the assets comprising your estate will change over time Federal and provincial laws which will affect your…

3 Essential Components of an Estate Plan

On , In Estate Administration

Modern estate planning is much more than just a Will and encompasses three key components – Powers of Attorney, Representation (Health) Agreements, and Wills. Every adult needs a Will. Why? A Will is the best way to ensure that the people, charities and organizations a Will-maker cherishes most receive the benefit of an estate. A…

I Have a Will, But How Do I Know if I Need to Update it?

On , In Estate Administration

Just over one half of B.C. adults have a valid Will, yet many of us fail to regularly review and update our estate planning documents to ensure that they continue to reflect our current situation and wishes. Updating your will is important. A comprehensive personal and estate plan for B.C. adults includes not only a…

Tailored Estate Planning For Families

On , In Estate Administration

My family is very open about our story. We have been raising awareness and financial support for the Foundry Kelowna because we understand firsthand the challenge in finding the right care and resources for a young person to live a healthy and meaningful life. Many families include a family member with a mental, psychological or…

I’ve Agreed to Act as an Executor. What do I Need to Know?

On , In Estate Administration

An executor is the person named in a Will to carry out the directions contained in the Will. The executor is responsible for settling the person’s affairs after death and is accountable to the beneficiaries and those entitled to benefit from an estate. If you are asked by a will maker to act as an…

Legal Guidance for Startups and Small Business Owners

On , In Business Law

With a full-service Solicitor team in place, Pihl Law Corporation is well equipped to assist startups and small business owners with their legal needs. Before your business is off and running, take the time to consult with your advisors to ensure you have the right corporate structure. Often, spending time and money on an initial…

Estate Planning For The Child

On , In Estate Administration

When your child is under the age of majority, you — as the parent or legal guardian of your child — get to make various decisions on their behalf and plan for your child’s future. However, this changes when your child becomes an adult. The age at which a child passes into adulthood varies from…

Common Estate Planning Myths

On , In Estate Administration

Almost all of my clients share the same goals eliminating uncertainties over the administration of their estate and the maximization of the value of their estate. Unfortunately, many of them also share myths and misconceptions around estate planning.  Here are some of the most prevalent estate planning myths and misconceptions and the facts behind them:…

Every Adult Needs a Will

On , In Estate Administration

A Will is the best way to ensure that the people, charities and organizations you cherish most receive the benefit of your estate. Your Will is also your last communication with your family and friends and your opportunity to leave clear instructions on how you want your assets to be handled, and how you want…

Tips for Estate Planning in Blended Families

On , In Estate Administration

The number of blended families in Canada grows every year as the divorce rate and the lifespan increases. This trend means that these couples must manage the legal and financial challenges inherent in a blended family, which are particularly challenging when there are children from a previous relationship.  Couples with blended families must balance between…