What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 2 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. Part 2 focuses getting treatment after you have been in an accident. I’ve just been in a motor vehicle accident, what should I…

What Do I Do After a Motor Vehicle Accident? Part 1 of 12

On , In Personal Injury

In this twelve-part blog series, personal injury lawyers Bree Hankins and Adrienne Staley discuss important steps to follow after a motor vehicle accident and what you need to know about making a personal injury claim. I’ve just been in a motor vehicle accident, what should I do? (This article) Getting Treatment I can’t work after my accident, what benefits…

Mental Injury Claim vs. Physical Injury Claim

On , In Personal Injury

Most people are familiar with the concept of making a claim for compensation for physical injuries suffered in a motor vehicle accident. However, most people will not have experience with a mental injury claim. There is more than one classification of physical injuries. For example “soft tissue” injuries where there are no broken bones; orthopaedic…

What is Human Capital Really Worth?

On , In Personal Injury

If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident as the result of or another’s wrongdoing (usually the operator of the vehicle in which you are a passenger, or the operator of another vehicle) one of the claims you could be entitled to make is compensation for loss of income. Depending on the severity of…

Autonomous Vehicles: Will Motor Vehicle Accidents Become History?

On , In Personal Injury

Pihl Law Corporation has worked for people injured in motor vehicle accidents for a long time.  Over the years we have gained a large volume of expertise helping people obtain the proper compensation against the at fault drivers.  Many of the cases we handle are tragic for the people involved, with people sustaining life changing…

How To Recover Your Legal Costs

On , In Personal Injury

Even before a person commences a lawsuit, they begin to incur expenses to gather evidence and eventually prosecute their claims. The further down the litigation path a person travels, the more a person incurs as legal costs and out of pocket expenses. When a matter is resolved, either by Judgement after a trial or as…

Get Extra Insurance to Drive in the U.S.

On , In Personal Injury

The snow is flying, and there is a bite in the air.  At this time of year, many people in Kelowna think about spending time down south. For some, it is just a week’s break in their busy work schedule, for others it involves spending several months in the sunshine.  A few winters ago, I…

Why doesn’t ICBC Pay me when I Injure myself?

On , In Personal Injury

I still get asked this question from time to time by individuals who are involved in single-vehicle accidents, where no one is to blame but themselves.  Simply put, our system of compensation for injured victims from motor vehicle accidents is best described as a hybrid of tort and no-fault…. although the latter is in some situations…

Know your Worth, before you Settle your ICBC Claim

On , In Personal Injury

When you are in a car accident and you are in the midst of what you want to accomplish in life, will you still be able to pursue your dream despite your injury? Will your ability to earn an income be affected by the injury? These are issues that you need to seriously consider with…

ICBC Is Watching You

On , In Personal Injury

ICBC’s practice of hiring private investigators to investigate claimants before trial is common. It is one of the ways ICBC protects itself from fraudulent claims. Such fraudulent claims can increase everyone’s insurance premiums. However, such investigative reports can also hurt legitimate claimants in the courtroom.  Should the claimant testify that his life has been ruined…