Make-A-Will Week – It’s a Great Time to Stop Procrastinating!

On , In Estate Administration

Estate planning is rarely on the top of anyone’s to-do list.  People avoid it for many reasons:  they are too busy, they don’t want to think about death, they don’t understand why they need to do it, or they think it doesn’t apply to them.  Sound familiar? April 7 to 13, 2019 is Make-a-Will-Week in…

You’re Fired! Now What?

On , In Employment Law

There are some people out there that can proudly boast “I have never been fired.” Unfortunately for many people this is not the case. Termination of employment is a great cause of stress in many peoples’ lives. The fear of being terminated often weighs in the back of employees’ minds. We spend the majority of…

Legal Guidance for Startups and Small Business Owners

On , In Business Law

With a full-service Solicitor team in place, Pihl Law Corporation is well equipped to assist startups and small business owners with their legal needs. Before your business is off and running, take the time to consult with your advisors to ensure you have the right corporate structure. Often, spending time and money on an initial…

Using Legal Counsel to Proactively Manage Legal Risk

On , In Construction Law

There can be a perception that lawyers help paper a deal that has been already agreed to or that lawyers help you write letters and start lawsuits after a dispute has arisen. Unfortunately this perception is overly simplistic and, especially for small businesses and entrepreneurs, can end up costing significant legal fees that could have…

Legal Advice-a-Thon & Other Free Resources

On , In Announcements

Access Pro Bono will be hosting its seventh annual Pro Bono Going Public event throughout BC this September. The event is an outdoor legal ‘advice-a-thon’ and fundraiser for BC’s pro bono programs. Volunteer lawyers will provide free legal guidance to low- or moderate- income individuals. The open-air legal clinic will be held in Kelowna on…

The Dangers of Distracted Driving

On , In Personal Injury

We’ve probably all done it at some point in our driving lives, whether we’ve been chowing down on a quick burger, switching radio stations or playing referee to a couple of battling siblings while we struggle to keep one eye on the road ahead. It’s called distracted driving and it’s a serious enough issue that…

Proposed Medical Marihuana Purposes Regulations – Good or Bad?

On , In Commercial Litigation

Living in beautiful B.C., there is a lot of interest in the legal status and availability of marihuana. The Federal Government has proposed improvements to Health Canada’s Marihuana Medical Access Program in order to save the government money and to provide safer access. On December 15, 2012, the Canada Gazette under Part 1 published the […]

Taking the bite out of legal fees

On , In Business Law

Taking the bite out of legal fees Lawyers are expensive.  You hope you never have to hire one.  I hope I never have to hire one!  Why are lawyers so expensive?  Overhead is the main reason.  When you hire a lawyer, you hire their staff as well.  You pay for salaries, rent, heat, light, computers, […]

What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas…or Does It?

On , In Personal Injury

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas? Well, not always – and a Kelowna-area woman found that out the hard way. What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas? While vacationing with her family in Las Vegas, Palm Springs and the Caribbean, a number of photos were taken of the young lady engaging in the type […]