Make-A-Will Week – It’s a Great Time to Stop Procrastinating!

On , In Estate Administration

Estate planning is rarely on the top of anyone’s to-do list.  People avoid it for many reasons:  they are too busy, they don’t want to think about death, they don’t understand why they need to do it, or they think it doesn’t apply to them.  Sound familiar? April 7 to 13, 2019 is Make-a-Will-Week in…

Common Estate Planning Myths

On , In Estate Administration

Almost all of my clients share the same goals eliminating uncertainties over the administration of their estate and the maximization of the value of their estate. Unfortunately, many of them also share myths and misconceptions around estate planning.  Here are some of the most prevalent estate planning myths and misconceptions and the facts behind them:…

Be a Problem Solver: The Evolution of Judicial Settlement

On , In Mediation & Arbitration

The practice of law today is very different. It’s different for us lawyers, and also for our clients. Over the years we have seen big changes in how judicial settlement proceeds. Once upon a time, the framework that exists today to encourage settlement did not exist. In today’s world, clients expect their lawyers to be…

The Advantages of Hiring a Local Lawyer

On , In Announcements

The Kelowna farmer’s market supplies local, high quality goods at competitive rates provided by people you know. Similarly, local lawyers bring many valuable benefits to the table that you should not forget about when retaining a lawyer. There are a plethora of talented personal injury lawyers in Kelowna. When you live in a town like…

How to Protect Your Digital Assets

On , In Estate Administration

It used to be that you knew what to do with all the memorabilia of your life. You’d put it in a box to give to your kids, or you’d write it into your will.  But these days, the most complete record of your life may be online. The Internet plays a major role in…

Wigs, Robes, and Tradition

On , In Mediation & Arbitration

Recently at the end of the day I looked out my office window that overlooks the transit roundabout on Queensway…now in the process of being changed/upgraded….. to my right, towards the Memorial Arena…..I am reminded that is where the new park aide is to be built….across from there… at any time now, the new IHA…

Taking the bite out of legal fees

On , In Business Law

Taking the bite out of legal fees Lawyers are expensive.  You hope you never have to hire one.  I hope I never have to hire one!  Why are lawyers so expensive?  Overhead is the main reason.  When you hire a lawyer, you hire their staff as well.  You pay for salaries, rent, heat, light, computers, […]