David Pihl, K.C.

What is Human Capital Really Worth?

February 22, 2017

If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident as the result of or another’s wrongdoing (usually the operator of the vehicle in which you are a passenger, or the operator of another vehicle) one of the claims you could be entitled to make is compensation for loss of income. Depending on the severity of…

Be a Problem Solver: The Evolution of Judicial Settlement

February 9, 2016

The practice of law today is very different. It’s different for us lawyers, and also for our clients. Over the years we have seen big changes in how judicial settlement proceeds. Once upon a time, the framework that exists today to encourage settlement did not exist. In today’s world, clients expect their lawyers to be…

Why doesn’t ICBC Pay me when I Injure myself?

October 27, 2015

I still get asked this question from time to time by individuals who are involved in single-vehicle accidents, where no one is to blame but themselves.  Simply put, our system of compensation for injured victims from motor vehicle accidents is best described as a hybrid of tort and no-fault…. although the latter is in some situations…