Shareholder Agreements?

Though there can be a large opportunity for profit, business ventures can also be risky and expensive. To help with financing a business, many entrepreneurs invest in a company with some external help. Whether this is through a business partnership or the financial backing of one or many shareholders, a business’ success often depends on more than one individual. 

Partnerships can bring strength to a business, but they can also be the root cause of its failure. From minor disputes to major breaches of contract, partnerships can be the hardest component of running a business. When you can’t count on your business partners, you can count on our commercial litigation lawyers. We represent a large variety of clients in contract enforcement, bringing experience and knowledge to your case. 

One of the best pieces of advice we give our clients is to seek the help of an advisor early on. Though shareholder and partnership agreements require additional cost upfront, the amount of time and money saved in the long run is invaluable in structuring a business. Legal agreements provide confidence to all members, clearly defining what is expected from each individual. 

Legal agreements also clarify what happens in case of the unexpected. No one likes to think about what could go wrong, but it is essential that the unexpected is planned for.

We believe that contracts are absolutely essential in managing expectations and obligations. Whether a contract for renovations in construction or a shareholder agreement in structuring a business, the underlying goal is the same: to provide structure, clarity, and trust for all parties involved.   

At Pihl Law, we understand that no two businesses are alike in the legal issues affecting their business. With a diverse team of professionals, we deliver creative solutions for our clients in contract enforcement.

Contact us to book a consultation on contract enforcement.


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300-1465 Ellis Street
Kelowna, BC Canada
V1Y 2A3

T. 250.762.5434
F. 250.762.5450
E. [email protected]