Pihl Law Corporation

What exactly does an “executor” do?

January 10, 2012

When someone close to us passes away, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the loss and by all the details of managing their affairs. Some issues that demand attention right away include funeral arrangements, contacting family and locating the Will. Locating the Will is important as it may contain funeral wishes and it appoints […]

I’m sorry I hurt your stupid feelings!

December 14, 2011

“I’m sorry I hurt your stupid feelings!” This is not an apology.  Neither is “I’m sorry if anyone was offended by my remarks.” It implies no regret for the act; only the reaction to it.  Any version of “I’m sorry but…” is not much of an apology.  The “but” erases whatever came before it.  “I’m sorry […]

Could serving alcohol at your staff holiday party cost you more than you bargained for?

December 6, 2011

Recent changes to British Columbia’s drinking and driving laws have renewed interest in the issue of employer liability as a social host. With the holiday season approaching fast, many of us are wondering about the risk associated with serving alcohol to employees.  A LEGAL OVERVIEW In a nutshell, employers are imposed with a very high […]