Pihl Law Corporation

How do you disinherit someone in BC?

May 9, 2012

I have written before about British Columbia’s Wills Variation Act and the requirement in our province to make “adequate provision” in our wills for our spouse and children. This time, I will talk about the justification that the Court needs in order to respect your wishes to disinherit your spouse or children. British Columbia recognizes […]

It’s mine and I’ll leave it to whomever I please!

May 4, 2012

You can’t take it with you, but you can leave behind instructions in a will. The question is, will your instructions be followed? If you have decided to disinherit your children, or to cut your spouse out of the will, perhaps not. Adequate Provisions In British Columbia, we have an act called the Wills Variation […]

Oh Behave! In a strata complex, the rules rule

April 10, 2012

If you live in a strata complex you don’t have to love your neighbours or even like them but you do have to treat them properly according to your rules. Recently a judge ordered a family in a strata complex in Surrey to sell their unit and move.  This family had been the subject of […]