Pihl Law Corporation

Estate Law – Who can vary a Will in B.C.?

September 29, 2016

A general principle of law is that a person making a Will (a “Will-Maker”) has the testamentary freedom to dispose of his or her property as he or she wishes. However, like many legal  principles, there are exceptions. An important exception to a Will-Maker’s freedom to leave what he or she owns to whomever he…

Equity Crowdfunding

September 26, 2016

No longer just a buzzword, crowdfunding represents a game changing opportunity for startups to access capital and is redefining how companies raise money and interact with their investors.  Crowdfunding is increasingly being employed to help people and groups finance various projects by sourcing sufficient funds through an online platform.  Crowdfunding can take on different forms,…

Autonomous Vehicles: Will Motor Vehicle Accidents Become History?

Pihl Law Corporation has worked for people injured in motor vehicle accidents for a long time.  Over the years we have gained a large volume of expertise helping people obtain the proper compensation against the at fault drivers.  Many of the cases we handle are tragic for the people involved, with people sustaining life changing…