Headshot of Andrew Prior from Pihl Law


[email protected]


Commercial Litigation
Construction Law


  • B.A. (Hons) University of Calgary
  • LL.B University of Ottawa



  • Canadian Bar Association
  • Salvation Army Pro Bono Program
  • Child Advocacy Center- Director


  • Andrew has written and presented extensively on matters impacting property and real estate in British Columbia.

Andrew Prior

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B.A.(Hons), LL.B.

*Legal Services provided by a Law Corporation

Andrew is one of our Shareholders practicing in Civil and Commercial Litigation. Before moving to Kelowna in 2013 to join Pihl Law Corporation, Andrew was a partner in the Vancouver office of a national business law firm.

Andrew has appeared before all levels of Court in British Columbia, as well as courts in Alberta, Newfoundland and the Yukon. Andrew also has extensive arbitration and mediation experience and has assisted clients with a large variety of injunctions and applications for declaratory relief.

Andrew has wide-ranging experience with business disputes and civil litigation, but has a particular focus on property law, construction and builders liens, as well as residential and commercial real estate development. Andrew has represented some of British Columbia’s largest developers in a wide assortment of real estate disputes and has also represented both commercial landlords and tenants with lease disputes, orders for possession, and rental renewal arbitrations.

Andrew has spoken at legal seminars on builders liens and representing developers in real estate development disputes. He has also written a number of articles about matters impacting land use and development in British Columbia.

Andrew otherwise enjoys a diverse practice that has included banking litigation, debt collection, professional negligence and product liability, and insurance defence.

Andrew has been involved in Pro Bono initiatives since being called to the British Columbia bar.

Business Disputes

Shareholders Disputes
Oppression Remedies
Injunctions and Declaratory relief
Commercial Litigation

Breach of contract
Negligent misrepresentation and economic loss
Professional negligence and product liability
Construction and Real Estate Disputes

Builders Liens
Construction deficiency claims
Partition of Property Act and Property Law Act petitions
Municipal Law and Planning
Real Estate Development

Regulatory compliance with the Real Estate Development Marketing Act
Disputes between co-owners, joint venturers, and partners surrounding the assembly and development of land


Protecting Against Tenant Created Builder’s Liens

August 14, 2020

Kelowna’s reputation as a hot bed of entrepreneurialism is well earned and as a result, many people invest either in commercial real estate or in rental residential units. An owner of land, however, faces risk when their tenant engages in work within the premises.  If a contractor or sub-contractor goes unpaid, they may lien the…

Negotiating Renovation Contracts to Reduce Risk

June 19, 2019

The media has recently reported on RCMP warnings regarding supposed repair contractors offering discounted and shoddy or fraudulent work. Although it is always tempting to try to keep costs as low as possible, it is important to have an up-front discussion about the scope and nature of the agreement and to reduce the agreement to…

Foreshore Rights, Docks and Retaining Walls

June 26, 2017

A number of years ago I wrote an article about the Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resources’ decision to direct additional resources towards reviewing foreshore rights and enforcing the use and construction of docks, retaining walls and other structures along the shoreline. Giving the ongoing flood event in the Okanagan, it seems an opportune…